Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas
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Acuteness tarimas:
Acuteness audio:
Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:
- noun: The quality of being
acute or pointed; as, the acuteness of an angle. - noun: The faculty of nice
discernment or perception ; sensitiveness ; – applied to the senses , or the understanding . By acuteness of feeling, we perceive small objects or slight impressions: by acuteness of intellect, we discern nice distinctions. - noun:
Shrillness ; high pitch; – said of sounds. - noun: Violence of a disease, which brings it speedily to a crisis.
- noun: Shrewdness, quickness of mind
Lietuviškos reikšmės:
- smailumas
- aštrumas
- įžvalgumas
- aštrumas
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/əbæʃt /