Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis ahead reiškia adv priešaky; į priekį, pirmyn; ahead of time šnek. prieš laiką; to get ahead of pralenkti; go ahead! pirmyn!, toliau!, tęsk! lietuviškai.

Ahead tarimas:

  • /ə'hed/

Ahead audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • adverb: At or to the front or head.
  • adverb: In advance; before: Pay ahead, and you'll receive a discount.
  • adverb: In or into the future; for the future: planned ahead.
  • adverb: In an advanced position or a configuration registering the future: Set the clock ahead.
  • adverb: At or to a different time; earlier or later: moved the appointment ahead, from Tuesday to Monday.
  • adverb: In a forward direction; onward: The train moved ahead slowly.
  • adverb: In the prescribed direction or sequence for normal use: You won't hear anything unless you roll the tape ahead.
  • adverb: In or into a more advantageous position: wanted to get ahead in life.
  • idiom: be ahead To be winning or in a superior position: The home team was ahead in the second period. Your company is ahead in developing the new technology.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • priešaky
  • ahead of time šnek. prieš laiką
  • to get ahead of pralenkti
  • į priekį
  • pirmyn
  • go ahead! pirmyn!
  • toliau!
  • tęsk!
  • į priekį
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