Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis arm reiškia I n 1) ranka; at arm's length pagarbiu/prideramu atstumu; arm - in - arm už parankės; arm of a riveružutėkis, (upės) atšaka; 2) rankovė; 3) (krėslo) atrama; 4) tech. manipuliatorius; II 1. n (papr. pl) 1) ginklas; in/ under arms ginkluotas; to arms! prie  lietuviškai.

Arm tarimas:

  • /ɑ:m/

Arm audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • noun: An upper limb of the human body, connecting the hand and wrist to the shoulder.
  • noun: A part similar to a human arm, such as the forelimb of an animal or a long part projecting from a central support in a machine.
  • noun: Something, such as a sleeve on a garment or a support on a chair, that is designed to cover or support the human arm.
  • noun: A relatively narrow extension jutting out from a large mass: an arm of the sea. See Synonyms at branch.
  • noun: An administrative or functional branch, as of an organization.
  • noun: Power or authority: the long arm of the law.
  • noun: Sports The skill of throwing or pitching a ball well.
  • idiom: an arm and a leg Slang An excessively high price: a cruise that cost an arm and a leg.
  • idiom: arm in arm With arms linked together: They walked across the beach arm in arm.
  • idiom: at arm's length At such a distance that physical or social contact is discouraged: kept the newcomer at arm's length at first.
  • idiom: with open arms With great cordiality and hospitality.
  • noun: A weapon, especially a firearm: troops bearing arms; ICBMs, bombs, and other nuclear arms.
  • noun: A branch of a military force: infantry, armor, and other combat arms.
  • noun: Warfare: a call to arms against the invaders.
  • noun: Military service: several million volunteers under arms; the profession of arms.
  • noun: Heraldry Bearings.
  • noun: Insignia, as of a state, an official, a family, or an organization.
  • verb-intransitive: To supply or equip oneself with weaponry.
  • verb-intransitive: To prepare oneself for warfare or conflict.
  • verb-transitive: To equip with weapons: armed themselves with loaded pistols; arm a missile with a warhead; arm a nation for war.
  • verb-transitive: To equip with what is needed for effective action: tax advisers who were armed with the latest forms.
  • verb-transitive: To provide with something that strengthens or protects: a space reentry vehicle that was armed with a ceramic shield.
  • verb-transitive: To prepare (a weapon) for use or operation, as by releasing a safety device.
  • idiom: up in arms Extremely upset; indignant.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • at arm's length pagarbiu/prideramu atstumu
  • arm - in - arm už parankės
  • rankovė
  • (krėslo) atrama
  • manipuliatorius
  • in/ under arms ginkluotas
  • to arms! prie
  • I n
  • ranka
  • ginklas
  • (papr. pl)
  • arm of a riveružutėkis
  • (upės) atšaka
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/ə'brəptli /
Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis abruptly lietuviškai?
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