Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis court reiškia 1. n 1) kiemas; 2) teismas; Supreme C.Aukščiausiasis teismas; court martial karo tribunolas; court of justice teismas; 3) kiemas; 4) golfo aikštelė; 5) (moters) garbinimas;2. v 1) pirštis; mergintis; 2) meilikauti; to court disaster užtraukti nelaimę lietuviškai.

Court tarimas:

  • /kɔ:t/

Court audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • noun: An extent of open ground partially or completely enclosed by walls or buildings; a courtyard.
  • noun: A short street, especially a wide alley walled by buildings on three sides.
  • noun: A large open section of a building, often with a glass roof or skylight.
  • noun: A large building, such as a mansion, standing in a courtyard.
  • noun: The place of residence of a sovereign or dignitary; a royal mansion or palace.
  • noun: The retinue of a sovereign, including the royal family and personal servants, advisers, and ministers.
  • noun: A sovereign's governing body, including the council of ministers and state advisers.
  • noun: A formal meeting or reception presided over by a sovereign.
  • noun: Law A person or body of persons whose task is to hear and submit a decision on cases at law.
  • noun: Law The building, hall, or room in which such cases are heard and determined.
  • noun: Law The regular session of a judicial assembly.
  • noun: Law A similar authorized tribunal having military or ecclesiastical jurisdiction.
  • noun: Sports An open level area marked with appropriate lines, upon which a game, such as tennis, handball, or basketball, is played.
  • noun: The body of directors of an organization, especially of a corporation.
  • noun: A legislative assembly.
  • verb-transitive: To attempt to gain; seek: courting wealth and fame.
  • verb-transitive: To behave so as to invite or incur: courts disaster by taking drugs.
  • verb-transitive: To try to gain the love or affections of, especially to seek to marry.
  • verb-transitive: To attempt to gain the favor of by attention or flattery: a salesperson courting a potential customer.
  • verb-transitive: Zoology To behave so as to attract (a mate).
  • verb-intransitive: To pursue a courtship; woo.
  • verb-intransitive: Zoology To engage in courtship behavior.
  • idiom: pay court to To flatter with solicitous overtures in an attempt to obtain something or clear away antagonism.
  • idiom: pay court to To seek someone's love; woo.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • teismas
  • Supreme C.Aukščiausiasis teismas
  • court martial karo tribunolas
  • court of justice teismas
  • kiemas
  • golfo aikštelė
  • (moters) garbinimas
  • mergintis
  • meilikauti
  • to court disaster užtraukti nelaimę
  • pirštis
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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis abduct lietuviškai?

--Autorius (flickr)

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