Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas
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Crash tarimas:
Crash audio:
Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:
- verb-intransitive: To break violently or noisily; smash.
- verb-intransitive: To undergo sudden damage or destruction on impact: Their car crashed into a guardrail. The airplane crashed over the ocean.
- verb-intransitive: To make a sudden loud noise: breakers crashing against the rocks.
- verb-intransitive: To move noisily or so as to cause damage: went crashing through the woods.
- verb-intransitive: To undergo a sudden severe downturn, as a market or economy.
- verb-intransitive: Computer Science To stop functioning due to a crash.
- verb-intransitive: Slang To undergo a period of unpleasant feeling or depression as an aftereffect of drug-taking.
- verb-intransitive: Slang To find temporary lodging or shelter, as for the night.
- verb-intransitive: Slang To go to sleep.
- verb-transitive: To cause to crash.
- verb-transitive: To dash to pieces; smash.
- verb-transitive: Informal To join or enter (a party, for example) without invitation.
- noun: A sudden loud noise, as of an object breaking.
- noun: A smashing to pieces.
- noun: A collision, as between two automobiles. See Synonyms at
collision . - noun: A sudden severe downturn: a market crash; a population crash.
- noun: Computer Science A sudden failure of a hard drive caused by damaging contact between the head and the storage surface, often resulting in the loss of data on the drive.
- noun: Computer Science A sudden failure of a program or operating system, usually without serious consequences.
- noun: Slang Mental depression after drug-taking.
- adjective: Informal Of or characterized by an intensive effort to produce or accomplish: a crash course on income-tax preparation; a crash diet.
- idiom: crash and burn Slang To fail utterly.
- idiom: crash and burn Slang To fall asleep from exhaustion.
- idiom: crash and burn Slang To wipe out, as in skateboarding.
- noun: A coarse, light, unevenly woven fabric of cotton or linen, used for towels and curtains.
- noun: Starched reinforced fabric used to strengthen a book binding or the spine of a bound book.
Lietuviškos reikšmės:
- dardesys
- bankrotas
- krachas
- avarija
- (su)daužyti
- dundėti (apie perkūniją)
- to c
- trenksmas
- sudužti
- numušti (apie lėktuvą)
- trenkti
- patirti krachą
- avariją
- nukristi
- sudardėti (down)
crash barrier
crash course
crash dive
crash helmet
crash land
crash landing
crash program
crash programme
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