Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas
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Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:
- verb-transitive: To twist (the hair, for example) into ringlets or coils.
- verb-transitive: To form into a coiled or spiral shape: curled the ends of the ribbon.
- verb-transitive: To decorate with coiled or spiral shapes.
- verb-transitive: To raise and turn under (the upper lip), as in snarling or showing scorn.
- verb-transitive: Sports To lift (a weight) by performing a curl.
- verb-intransitive: To form ringlets or coils.
- verb-intransitive: To assume a spiral or curved shape.
- verb-intransitive: To move in a curve or spiral: The wave curled over the surfer.
- verb-intransitive: Sports To engage in curling.
- noun: Something with a spiral or coiled shape.
- noun: A coil or ringlet of hair.
- noun: A treatment in which the hair is curled.
- noun: The act of curling: the curl of a meandering river.
- noun: The state of being curled.
- noun: Sports A weightlifting exercise using one or two hands, in which a weight held at the thigh or to the side of the body is raised to the chest or shoulder and then lowered without moving the upper arms, shoulders, or back.
- noun: Any of various plant diseases in which the leaves roll up.
- phrasal-verb: curl up To assume a position with the legs drawn up: The child curled up in an armchair to read.
Lietuviškos reikšmės:
- garbanoti(s)
- to curl one's lip paniekinamai ar pašaipiai patempti lūpas
- to curl up a) susitraukti
- susiriesti
- susiraukti
- garbanojimas
- spiralė
- sukti(s)
- garbana
curl up
kiss curl
leg curl
pin curl
robert curl
sausage curl
spit curl
robert f. curl
robert floyd curl jr.
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