Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis deliberate reiškia 1. v apgalvoti, svarstyti; 2. a 1) apgalvotas; tyčinis; 2) atsargus, apdairus; 3) neskubotas lietuviškai.

Deliberate tarimas:

  • /di'libərit/

Deliberate audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • adjective: Done with or marked by full consciousness of the nature and effects; intentional: mistook the oversight for a deliberate insult.
  • adjective: Arising from or marked by careful consideration: a deliberate decision. See Synonyms at voluntary.
  • adjective: Unhurried in action, movement, or manner, as if trying to avoid error: moved at a deliberate pace. See Synonyms at slow.
  • verb-intransitive: To think carefully and often slowly, as about a choice to be made.
  • verb-intransitive: To consult with another or others in a process of reaching a decision.
  • verb-transitive: To consider (a matter) carefully and often slowly, as by weighing alternatives.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • apgalvotas
  • tyčinis
  • neskubotas
  • apgalvoti
  • svarstyti
  • atsargus
  • apdairus
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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis absence lietuviškai?

--Autorius (flickr)

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