Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis horse reiškia n arklys, žirgas; to put the cart before the horse daryti atvirkščiai (supainioti); to be/get on one's high horse šnek. reikalauti sau pagarbos; riesti nosį; to horse! ant arklių!; don't look a gift horse in the mouth dovanotam arkliui į dantis nežiūrima lietuviškai.

Horse tarimas:

  • /hɔ:s/

Horse audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • noun: A large hoofed mammal (Equus caballus) having a short-haired coat, a long mane, and a long tail, domesticated since ancient times and used for riding and for drawing or carrying loads.
  • noun: An adult male horse; a stallion.
  • noun: Any of various equine mammals, such as the wild Asian species E. przewalskii or certain extinct forms related ancestrally to the modern horse.
  • noun: A frame or device, usually with four legs, used for supporting or holding.
  • noun: Sports A vaulting horse.
  • noun: Slang Heroin.
  • noun: Horsepower. Often used in the plural.
  • noun: Mounted soldiers; cavalry: a squadron of horse.
  • noun: Geology A block of rock interrupting a vein and containing no minerals.
  • noun: Geology A large block of displaced rock that is caught along a fault.
  • verb-transitive: To provide with a horse.
  • verb-transitive: To haul or hoist energetically: "Things had changed little since the days of the pyramids, with building materials being horsed into place by muscle power” ( Henry Allen).
  • verb-intransitive: To be in heat. Used of a mare.
  • adjective: Of or relating to a horse: a horse blanket.
  • adjective: Mounted on horses: horse guards.
  • adjective: Drawn or operated by a horse.
  • adjective: Larger or cruder than others that are similar: horse pills.
  • phrasal-verb: horse around Informal To indulge in horseplay or frivolous activity: Stop horsing around and get to work.
  • idiom: another Another matter entirely; something else.
  • idiom: beat To continue to pursue a cause that has no hope of success.
  • idiom: beat To dwell tiresomely on a matter that has already been decided.
  • idiom: be To be or become disdainful, superior, or conceited.
  • idiom: hold (one's) horses To restrain oneself.
  • idiom: the horse's mouth A source of information regarded as original or unimpeachable.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • to put the cart before the horse daryti atvirkščiai (supainioti)
  • to be/get on one's high horse šnek. reikalauti sau pagarbos
  • riesti nosį
  • to horse! ant arklių!
  • don't look a gift horse in the mouth dovanotam arkliui į dantis nežiūrima
  • arklys
  • žirgas
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