Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas
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Hurrying tarimas:
Hurrying audio:
Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:
- verb-intransitive: To move or act with speed or haste.
- verb-transitive: To cause to move or act with speed or haste: hurried the children to school.
- verb-transitive: To cause to move or act with undue haste; rush: was hurried into marriage.
- verb-transitive: To speed the progress or completion of; expedite. See Synonyms at
speed . - noun: The act or an instance of hurrying; hastened progress.
- noun: Activity or motion that is often unduly hurried; haste. See Synonyms at
haste . - noun: The need or wish to hurry; a condition of urgency: in no hurry to leave.
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