Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis sea reiškia n 1) jūra, vandenynas; at sea atviroje jūroje; beyond sea(s) už jūros, už jūrų; on the sea jūroje; pajūryje; choppy sea nerami jūra; high seas atvira jūra;seas mountains high šėlstanti jūra; to go to sea, to follow the sea tapti jūrininku; to be at sea a) lietuviškai.

Sea tarimas:

  • /si:/

Sea audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • noun: The continuous body of salt water covering most of the earth's surface, especially this body regarded as a geophysical entity distinct from earth and sky.
  • noun: A tract of water within an ocean.
  • noun: A relatively large body of salt water completely or partially enclosed by land.
  • noun: A relatively large landlocked body of fresh water.
  • noun: The condition of the ocean's surface with regard to its course, flow, swell, or turbulence: a rising sea; choppy seas.
  • noun: A wave or swell, especially a large one: a 40-foot sea that broke over the stern.
  • noun: Something that suggests the ocean in its overwhelming sweep or vastness: a sea of controversy.
  • noun: Seafaring as a way of life.
  • noun: Astronomy A lunar mare.
  • idiom: at sea On the sea, especially on a sea voyage.
  • idiom: at sea In a state of confusion or perplexity; at a loss.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • at sea atviroje jūroje
  • on the sea jūroje
  • pajūryje
  • choppy sea nerami jūra
  • high seas atvira jūra
  • seas mountains high šėlstanti jūra
  • to be at sea a)
  • jūra
  • vandenynas
  • beyond sea(s) už jūros
  • už jūrų
  • to go to sea
  • to follow the sea tapti jūrininku
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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis abbess lietuviškai?

--Autorius (flickr)

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