Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas
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Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:
- verb-transitive: To let do or happen; permit: We allow smoking only in restricted areas.
- verb-transitive: To permit the presence of: No pets are allowed inside.
- verb-transitive: To permit to have: allow oneself a little treat.
- verb-transitive: To make provision for; assign: The schedule allows time for a coffee break.
- verb-transitive: To plan for in case of need: allow two inches in the fabric for shrinkage.
- verb-transitive: To grant as a discount or in exchange: allowed me 20 dollars on my old typewriter.
- verb-transitive: Chiefly Southern & Midland U.S. To admit; concede: I allowed he was right.
- verb-transitive: Chiefly Southern & Midland U.S. To think; suppose: "We allow he's straight” ( American Speech).
- verb-transitive: Chiefly Southern & Midland U.S. To assert; declare: Mother allowed that we'd better come in for dinner.
- verb-intransitive: To offer a possibility; admit: The poem allows of several interpretations.
- verb-intransitive: To take a possibility into account; make allowance: In calculating profit, retailers must allow for breakage and spoilage.
Lietuviškos reikšmės:
- leisti
- sutikti
- daryti nuolaidą
- tvirtinti
- to allow time paskirti laiką
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