Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas
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Chill tarimas:
Chill audio:
Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:
- noun: A moderate but penetrating coldness.
- noun: A sensation of coldness, often accompanied by shivering and pallor of the skin.
- noun: A checking or dampening of enthusiasm, spirit, or joy: bad news that put a chill on the celebration.
- noun: A sudden numbing fear or dread.
- adjective: Moderately cold; chilly: a chill wind.
- adjective: Not warm and friendly; distant: a chill greeting.
- adjective: Discouraging; dispiriting: "Chill penury repressed their noble rage” ( Thomas Gray).
- verb-transitive: To affect with or as if with cold.
- verb-transitive: To lower in temperature; cool.
- verb-transitive: To make discouraged; dispirit.
- verb-transitive: Metallurgy To harden (a metallic surface) by rapid cooling.
- verb-intransitive: To be seized with cold.
- verb-intransitive: To become cold or set: jelly that chills quickly.
- verb-intransitive: Metallurgy To become hard by rapid cooling.
- verb-intransitive: Slang To calm down or relax. Often used with out.
- verb-intransitive: Slang To pass time idly; loiter. Often used with out.
- verb-intransitive: Slang To keep company; see socially. Often used with out.
Lietuviškos reikšmės:
- šaltumas (santykiuose)
- drugys
- to catch a chill peršalti
- to have a chill būti peršalusiam
- (per) šalti
- šaltas
- vėsus
- šaltis
- vėsuma
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